Winston Churchill was so impressed with the beauty of Uganda that he once called her “The Pearl of Africa.” But this pearl has been tarnished by years of civil war, disease and poverty. However, we believe that a new day is dawning for this East African country. The Gospel is impacting lives, new churches are being planted, and people are crying out for the hope that is found in Jesus Christ. It truly is harvest time for this nation.

A younger Godfrey Wanamitsa and Rick Via sit in one of our medical clinics leading people to Jesus. Because of how the Lord was working in the hearts of these two men so many years ago, a beautiful friendship began and a powerful Gospel-centered partnership was formed.
Twenty years ago, we started a partnership with a very small ministry in Jinja, Uganda. Today, that ministry has grown to include over 200 churches, an orphanage, several Christian schools, and a farm that is growing food for hundreds of people in remote villages. It all started when we began working together with a young Ugandan pastor who had a vision to reach his nation for Jesus Christ.
When I look back at our twenty years of existence as Rick Via Ministries and now World Reach Partnerships, I am amazed at all in which the Lord has allowed us to be a part. God has given us a wonderful team of supporters and prayer warriors who have enabled us to take the Gospel message to forty-five countries around the world. Without you, we could have never reached out so far. The word together reminds me of you. Together, we have been able to accomplish more for God’s Kingdom than we could have ever done on our own. Together, we will continue to preach the glorious Gospel of our Lord Jesus until He returns or calls us home. Together, we can accomplish so much more for God’s Kingdom and the salvation of precious souls.
– Rick