It has been an emotional few months for our family as we prepare for the big move to Haiti. We spent the month of September selling just about everything we own. In a way it has been very freeing. Everything we have now fits in a small trailer, which is kind of cool. At the end of September we moved out of our house in Zebulon, NC and moved into a small apartment at Southeastern Seminary. It’s been interesting living out of a few boxes and sleeping on a few mattresses on the floor. IMG_4546But the kids seem to love it. Keesha and I both have a lot of responsibilities and commitments here in NC until the end of October, after which we will move to Roanoke, VA. We will spend the next 6 months living with my parents, which will help us save for the move. It is during that time that we will do a bulk of our fundraising and Lord willing move to Haiti in April. I would love the opportunity to come speak to your church or small group before we leave and share about what the Lord is doing in Haiti. Please email me if there’s an opportunity.

It’s been an adventure already. The Lord has taught us a lot about faith versus fear. He has certainly brought us closer to Him and closer as a family (literally and spiritually). We are incredibly excited to be moving our young family to Haiti. However, we are humbled at the thought of being full-time missionaries in the field. We do not see ourselves as expert missionaries, but rather simple servants willing to go wherever the Lord leads. So we are clinging to the promise that God’s power will be made perfect in our weaknesses. Pray for us.

What will our ministry look like in Haiti? We’re not quite sure. We do know that we have no desire to blaze new trails. For the last several years we have been partnering with some incredible missionaries and local pastors in Haiti. God is using them to advance the Gospel and grow His church in amazing ways. We simply want to come alongside and assist in the work that’s already being done. We know that it will take three forms. First, I will continue with my position with World Reach Partnerships, leading our seven short-term mission trips to Haiti each year. Secondly, we will serve with our friends Jim & Debbie Hambrick to help them lead and host mission teams year-round. Thirdly, we will continue to develop relationships with our partnering churches and pastors. We want to cultivate meaningful relationships with these dear people so we can help extend, encourage, and empower the local church to reach their communities.

We have a long road ahead. We have a lot of needs. We found a house in Port Au Prince that’s in a good location. We are asking the Lord to work out the details. Unfortunately, it is very expensive to live in Haiti. For example, a modest $5,000 vehicle in the U.S. will cost us about $10,000 in Haiti. A gallon of milk costs about $12 and a gallon of gas is $8. Needless to say our personal budget will have to be adjusted quite a bit. We need about $30,000 to make the initial move (that’s on top of what we’ve already saved). We also need about $2500 in monthly support to sustain us there.


Jacob speaking at Gracepoint Church in Wise, VA in September.

We want to ask you to prayerfully consider being a part of our financial support team. I’m not embarrassed to ask for financial support because we legitimately need it in order to be able to live and do ministry in Haiti. Without you we cannot go. I am asking you to be a part. I am asking you to pray. I am asking you to give as He leads. Let me thank you in advance. We are incredibly grateful for you.