We are truly living in difficult and uncertain days. With the coronavirus moving quickly throughout the world and panic moving even faster, we desperately need the wisdom and guidance of God to help us navigate through this difficult season.

There have been so many people impacted by this virus and no doubt many are looking at our current situation and wondering if there’s any hope at all. Is there hope for the stock market, for our government, for the sick and feeble, for lost jobs and for struggling families?

“We have this hope like a steadfast anchor for the soul”

I believe that is why we are told in 1 Peter 3:15 to “always be ready to give an answer when someone asks you the reason for the hope that is within you.” No matter what we face or encounter in this world, our hope and faith is unshaken, because we do not place them in the uncertainties of this world. We place our faith and hope in the all-powerful, all-wise, unchanging God of the universe!  1 Thessalonians 6:19-20 says, “We have this hope like a steadfast anchor for the soul; A hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain, where Jesus has gone as a forerunner on our behalf.” 

He is our Living Hope!

The hope that we have has a name. His name is Jesus! Our hope is in the One who did for us what we could not do for ourselves. He gave his life to cover and atone for our sin that had separated us from God. But not only that. He Arose! He is our Living Hope!

In the midst of our current season of uncertainty and chaos, I can’t think of a better time for us to be celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus. He is the answer for the troubles of our world. He is the hope that a watching world needs to see in each of us. He is the hope that we absolutely must share to everyone around us. We truly have a Living Hope. 

 – Jared