We are so thankful for how the Lord worked during our mission to Myanmar last month. During one of our days of ministry, we visited a nearby village that Pastor Ling’s church has been trying to reach with the gospel. One house we visited was one of Pastor Ling’s house church leaders. I noticed that there was a man standing just outside of the small bamboo house and was listening to us as we talked. As he stood outside, it was obvious that he was interested in why we were there but did not want to come in. I asked this church leader if the man outside was a believer or not. He said, “Oh no, that is my landlord. He’s a prominent Buddhist in the area and will not listen to the gospel.” He explained that on many occasions he had tried to share with him but he refused to listen. “If I open a Bible, he takes off running!” He said I could try to talk with him, but he would probably just run away. Through an interpreter I asked this man if I could talk with him. I could tell he was hesitant so I said, “I won’t open a bible, I just want to draw you a picture.” He smiled and agreed. I took out a piece of paper and began to draw out the gospel message using a method called the “three circles.” It is a very simple gospel presentation that is being used all around the world to reach many for Jesus. This man sat and intently listened to the entire message. After we finished talking, he asked if he could take the picture home. “I need to go home and really think about this,” he said. I don’t know if this man has surrendered his life to Jesus yet or not, but I am continuing to pray that he will. The gospel seed has been planted, please pray with me that God would convict him of his sin and draw him to himself.
As we were walking down the street, another man asked if we would come and visit in his house as well. The burmese people are so inviting and hospitable and they take enormous pride in taking care of their guests. We entered this house and were surrounded by shrines for Buddha. The man’s wife was a faithful buddhist and the entire house was dedicated to the worship of this false religion. We
met with this family and told them about the love of God and how he demonstrated it by giving his son Jesus. After we had shared some testimonies and presented the gospel the woman surrendered her life to Jesus! She is now no longer following after a false religion and false hope. She is following the one true living God! Praise the Lord for how he saves sinners! God is truly working in Myanmar! He is drawing these precious men and women to himself. Please pray that God would send more laborers into the mission field in this country.
Three of our days were spent investing in 185 pastors and church leaders. These days were filled with powerful times of worship and bible teaching. These leaders have an enormous mission field in Yangon. In a city of more than 7 million people, 98.5 percent of them are lost. Please pray for them as they seek to engage the lostness in their city with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We had a two day children’s outreach that more than 300 children attended. What a blessing it was to pour into these sweet Burmese children. We also got to share the gospel with them and 8 children gave their lives to Jesus! Thank you for investing in what God is doing in Myanmar. Your partnership with us means more than you know.
– Jared