Kasim is a very devout Muslim. He also just so happens to live with us.

Before we moved into our home here in Uganda, Kasim was hired by the landlord to be a caretaker while the house was sitting empty. This meant that he had to live on the compound full-time. This was his home. When we moved in, he was not only going to lose his job but also his home. After much prayer, Kelly and I decided that the Lord wanted us to give Kasim a job and allow him to continue living here with us.

Over the months we shared the gospel with him many times, but he was not budging. He is very firm in his faith, and I ascertained early on that seeing the gospel lived out and fleshed out in front of him was going to be the only thing that would ever make an impact. So we loved on Kasim. We share in his joys and sorrows. We have been there for him when he was in trouble. We helped his sister escape from South Sudan. We have helped with funeral costs when family members died. He has shared in our lives with us.

However, Kasim would not share our food because we eat pork. He rejected all of our food because it was prepared by utensils that had touched pork. Kelly and I prayed about it and talked about what we should do. That’s when God brought to mind what Paul said in 1 Corinthians 9:19-22:

“Though I am free and belong to no one, I have made myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible. To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews… I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some.”

I was sure that God wanted us to get rid of all pork from our home in order to minister to Kasim. It was an offense to him, and our offense was causing a barrier between him and the gospel. I told Kasim of our decision. He was speechless. Tears welled up in his eyes and finally he said, “Sir, I’m sorry. I don’t know what to say. I feel as if I am being a burden.” That’s when I told him the truth of the matter.

”Kasim, you need to understand that I’m not doing this for you. Don’t get me wrong, I love you. But I’m doing this because I believe that my Savior told me to do it. If I don’t do this, I’m being disobedient to my God, and I’m not willing to do that. Also, you need to know that I have an ulterior motive. I want to see you come to know Christ. Lastly, you need to know this: Apparently God has singled you out. He has told me to do this for you. I believe that he is coming for you and you don’t really stand much of a chance.”

We have seen the impact our decision has made on Kasim. He told us that these months with us have been the happiest days of his entire life. God is slowly breaking down those walls. I believe that we will soon see Kasim come to know Jesus. I gladly give up such a simple thing like pork in order that one day I might be able to call him my brother in Christ. Please pray for Kasim and pray that God continues to lead and guide us as we do our best to live out the gospel in front of him.

– Smooth